How To See Like a Bird

Every photographer possesses is a distinct vision of how they wish to portray the world but shares a common set of limitations like what kind of tools they have access to or can afford to purchase. We recently created the Downtown Austin Photo website using the SquareSpace platform because it is the right tool for communicating and showing our archive and vision of downtown Austin. We also started using a tool called a quad-copter, drone or unmanned aerial vehicle to provide a bird's eye view of downtown Austin.

This tool solved several limitations we have encountered over the years photographing architecture in the urban environment and hill country of central Texas. The most routine dilemmas we encounter in the field is that the point of view we want is obscured by a tree, light post, sign post,fence, wires or requires special access. Another limitation associated with accessibility and point of view is that of topography. The ability to get above the visual noise and free of the ground plane has really freed up our ability to realize our vision of a place.


This bird's eye view of Lady Bird Lake and downtown Austin skyline at sunrise is an iconic image that we have wanted to create for decades. Although we have created numerous beautiful downtown Austin skyline portraits from the ground, the shore, high-rise terraces, and rooftops, we were always limited in some way that was beyond our control. The only limits to creating this image was our imagination.

What tools are helping you realize your vision of life?